Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) hosted the co-creation session for the InventAir project on 18 December 2018 in Berlin, Germany.
The five German experts that attended the co-creation session covered a broad range of aspects: The representatives from TFZ and the German Biomass Research Center provided technical knowledge in the field of stoves, boilers and solid fuels; the Federal Environment Agency contributed with expertise in the German legislation on residential burning; Caritas Frankfurt provided input based on its experience with the campaign ‘Stromspar-Check’ which is focused on German households with low income and the Buildings Performance Institute Europe supported the co-creation with its knowledge from projects on building efficiency in Eastern European countries.
The German experts gave valuable feedback on the Methodological Framework. In the interactive session, ideas on the following questions were developed: How to select energy poor households? How to improve the multiple assessment? Policy solutions: How to improve (legislative) framework conditions in EEC for a successful implementation of wood stoves change-out programmes?
The ideas elaborated in the interactive part were presented to 24 stakeholders from EEC in an online co-creation session (webinar) in the afternoon. The participants asked many questions related to the core challenges in EEC and provided helpful comments. The German experts provided information and best practices on illegal burning, health impacts and legislative measures like bans for residential burning.