EAP and FOCUS conducted specialised bilateral online sessions with two other highly motivated organisations - DOOR (Croatia) and CEE - Centar za ekologijo I energiju (Bosna and Herzegovina). In the online sessions, EAP and FOCUS transferred their experience in preparing the Woodstove Roadmaps, explained the rationale behind the Methodology, and provided valuable insights into the process of mapping the energy poverty and its impacts. The replication presentations may be found on the Project materials page.
The InventAir project hеld its final EU-wide webinar to transfer the knowledge and capacity gathered by the partners to other EU-organisations on April 15th, 2019, in cooperation with Fedarene and the Covenant of Mayors. The webinar covered the history and evolution of the energy poverty and clean air, specifics of the EEC that could be relevant to whole EU, recommendations for policy developments to support the sustainable and resilient communities. The outcomes of the Woodstove changeout roadmaps were presented to the participants as real-life application of the Methodological framework for mapping energy poverty and its impacts. The webinar presentations may be found on the Project materials page.